FEED - Demo Tape 2008
Yes! The tape was finally in my mail box today. I asked Dominik of mindxmatter records (check his blog: mindxmatter) to send it to me after I have listened to the myspace-tracks for days. To give you a little description of what FEED is I just quote mindxmatter:
Members and (ex-) Members of Iron Age, Bitter End, Lie And Wait whorship the lonestar state. Heavily influenced by Alice In Chains, Only Living Witness and the desert. A 2 song demo lasting 11 Minutes. You know what that means.
First of all I have to admit that FEED isn't that sort of band I usually do pay attention to. It's very melodic and way different from what I have expected when I heard of ex-members of Iron Age and Bitter End playing in there. But the songs have so much honest emotion and a soundrange that I was really taken by suprise. While "Saving face" lets us guess the hardcore-influence, "Grove" is a 7 minutes-long and moving ballad. I wanted to make some photos of the tape itself because i think it's layouted/produced with much love and passion for the music; perhaps I'll do it in a few days...
Unfortunately they broke up (2009, I guess), so there's no chance to see them live anymore. But at least their only record "Human engine" is available for free download on their myspace, so go for it!
Yo, das Bild ist viel cooler ^.^