Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010

I am mountain

FEED - Demo Tape 2008

Yes! The tape was finally in my mail box today. I asked Dominik of mindxmatter records (check his blog: mindxmatter) to send it to me after I have listened to the myspace-tracks for days. To give you a little description of what FEED is I just quote mindxmatter:

Members and (ex-) Members of Iron Age, Bitter End, Lie And Wait whorship the lonestar state. Heavily influenced by Alice In Chains, Only Living Witness and the desert. A 2 song demo lasting 11 Minutes. You know what that means.

First of all I have to admit that FEED isn't that sort of band I usually do pay attention to. It's very melodic and way different from what I have expected when I heard of ex-members of Iron Age and Bitter End playing in there. But the songs have so much honest emotion and a soundrange that I was really taken by suprise. While "Saving face" lets us guess the hardcore-influence, "Grove" is a 7 minutes-long and moving ballad. I wanted to make some photos of the tape itself because i think it's layouted/produced with much love and passion for the music; perhaps I'll do it in a few days...
Unfortunately they broke up (2009, I guess), so there's no chance to see them live
anymore. But at least their only record "Human engine" is available for free download on their myspace, so go for it!

FEED myspace

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